Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Photo: Yoda Hulk - When Angry I Am

Yoda Hulk!!

Comic: Popeye vs The Submariner

Popeye vs. Prince Namor, The Submariner

Photo: Cookie Monster: Here's Johnny! - The Shining Parody

Cookie Monster: Here's Johnny!!


Photo: Monty Python's The Black Knight Rises

Monty Python's The Black Knight Rises


Comics: Star Wars: Luke, I Am Your Father's Voice

Star Wars: Luke, I Am Your Father's Voice.


Photo: Superhero Mathematics

Superhero Mathematics


Photo: The World's Greatest Archers: I've Got This!

The World's Greatest Archers: I've Got This! 


Photo: Canadian Street Gangs

Canadian Street Gangs


Photo: The Count: Vampires Don't Sparkle

The Count: Vampires Don't Sparkle 


Comic Strip: The Internet Says No To Productivity

The Internet Says No To Productivity 

Darth Vader: What Goes On Behind Close Doors?

Star Wars Comic Strip featuring Darth Vader: What Goes On Behind Close Doors? 